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Contact Info

AddressRehoboth Beach, DE
United States
Mobile phone302 519-4379
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My name is Leslie Sinclair. As a photographer, I am inspired by the natural world around us. Whether capturing a large expanse or a small vignette, I strive to show nature and life in a new and interesting way.

InThe Art of i- --shən”, my newest collection, I bring light to darkness to create a mood, reveal a scene, or highlight color and texture. Through this exposure, everyday objects become something more. Scenes both familiar and unusual are shown in a new light. The images are often mysterious or unexpected, and sometimes reveal a twinkle of humor.

I use art as a way to tell a story and evoke a sense of wonder. In this collection, I pay homage to the work of still life artists, while adding my unique perspectives. My hope is that you will enjoy the scenes themselves, that they will evoke nostalgic remembrances, and in addition permit the discovery of something new.

Since 2008, I have been pursuing my passion for nature and fine art photography. My work has been exhibited at the Rehoboth and Millsboro Art Leagues, and has been recognized by the Ward Museum and The Nature Conservancy. I studied under Photographer Harold Ross and use techniques learned in his workshop to evolve and advance my art.

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The Art of Illumination

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15 photos
Visitors 143
Member since 18-Jun-14